Midweek 1/8 - 1/12 Elemental Readings
This Week’s Channeled Message:
Something new, something old. Something borrowed, something…Pisces?
The Lovers card is a Gemini card, it signifies the contrast of Love and Fear. It’s almost always mistakenly correlated to some kind of courtship, but it really has to do with choices. The choice to commit. The choice to keep moving forward when the path is uncertain. The choice to get up and try, no matter how hard yesterday was. The choice to forgive. The choice to liberate yourself or remain frozen in time, trapped in a restriction. It’s a maybe card. It’s a card that really signifies, it’s totally up to you.
The King of Swords is your adversary here. And regardless of how you interpret this, alongside the Lovers Card, this King of Swords signifies the challenge of the truth, of logic, the mind, the analytical mind. The restriction is 100% how you look at it, not what stands in your way. There is always a way, when there is a will to find one. So this something old, is your patterns, your “restrictions” and this something new is what you choose to make of your next steps. This something borrowed is the teamwork between your past self and your future; the usage of wisdom and experience. And this something….blue, signifies Pisces, the 3rd eye, heightened awareness, and a more fluid approach.
Knowing what you know now, how do you choose to move forward. Ah, ah, ah. Forget the trials of yesterday. It’s not about what didn’t work before. It’s about now. Now what? Now where? Now how? You can do it differently, because you have new awareness. Adaptability. Your imagination is the opportunity. As I type this I can feel the shift from firmness to fluidity. Stuck in standards of rigidity and pride, to a flowing sense of creative strategy. Like a dancer who’s strained muscles have just warmed up and now the body moves more freely, less constricted by the exchange of energy between their feet and the floor, their hands and the air. This is the shift from Aries North Node into Pisces.
Your challenges of the imagination have been presenting themselves throughout this past year and half through Saturn; can you see that now? Can you see how every challenge was a result of the dark sides of your imagination, your fears? And now, as you look at life, at the world around you, can you see the positive space that you’ve been avoiding, that you’ve been missing, while you’ve been zoomed in on the negative, the dark space in the drawing? Can you see the kaleidoscope that is your world, the way it shifts and changes around you into a million tiny little shapes? How it’s been changing the entire time. These shapes being opportunities and options as you take every single step forward. Trippy, huh?
Don’t fill your cup with nuances any longer; fill it will possibilities, dreams, and magic. That is your challenge. Not such a challenge when you look at it like that, is it?
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)—Embrace your dark side
Your Oracle: Affection — a Taurus card; Taurus being ruled by Venus. Venus in Pisces; imagination. The mirror on the card has a black cat in its reflection. The darkness you see in the world around you is a reflection of your inner darkness. Alongside it is the Happiness card, a Gemini card. Maybe the things you are attracting feel like the shadows you are seeking to move past, to avoid or to completely evade. Maybe the things you are attracting feel like your greatest nightmares. This affection feels like its calling out to you, rather than coming from you. And why is that? Whatever your reality is showing to you that you dislike, it resides somewhere within you and desires peace. How can you find happiness within this juxtaposition, this paradox.
Your Tarot: Queen of Cups + 9 of Cups — Your emotions hold the keys to your manifestations right now. How are you transmuting your emotions? Are you working wth what you feel, to get what you want? How are your thoughts trapping you and how can you reroute any storm clouds into rainbows? How can you shift any narrative that brings darkness upon your world into some kind of empowering belief. The things that come to “plague” you, they desire you, and in some aspect, in some way, you desire them, otherwise they wouldn’t be there. Can you unlock the riddle that is your reality? Even haters love you, they just don’t know how to show it. But these haters also hold a key for you. They hold a shadow you are seeking to accept. So Doja Cat; use it. Those demons will look good, once your pockets are full. Let go fo the rigidity and stubbornness. Stop shaming yourself out of your manifestations. Loosen up a bit and let it all work out. Your solution is the 7 of wands — It seems as those this collective has strong boundaries, so the boundaries in this case are more so with yourself, within your own mind; upholding your self-worth and accountability, rather than fighting to protect out of struggle, fear and domain keeping.
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)—Get in the game
Your Oracle: your cards are both Fire signs—a little less talk, and a lot more action. Positivity, a Leo card, alongside Regeneration, an Aries card. The chemistry beaker on the regeneration card signifies that you’ve been experimenting throughout this Aries North Node, trying out some new ideas, but the dream catcher on the Leo card signifies that something could be haunting you from the past. Your protection is in your self-expression and your movement, how are you holding yourself back out of pride of what you once had, what once was or old narratives that have shown you they are dead and gone. You’re holding yourself back out of fear of being wrong or looking stupid or weird, when it is your creativity that is your golden egg. Use it.
Your Tarot: 8 of swords and 9 of cups — as I type this I have a lot of feisty energy coming through my channel and the desire to dance and move this energy. The solution is the Strength card— something feels difficult to move past, but it is just a matter of shaking out the gitters. A lot, a lot, a LOT (I can’t stress this enough) smoke and mirrors. Pushing past the invisible wall you sense to be trapped within. You have options, you know you have options, you think in options, so shift out of this lack. Where is that lion within. The Strength card slid out somewhat in reverse. This signifies, less strength from a place of proving oneself or being noble, and more strength from a light hearted, childlike, playful, creator spirit. Maybe even a little ego, but from a teenage, young adult, Forever Young type vibe. No one knows you better than you and you don’t have to shove it down their throats for them to see, just move like it, act like it, show yourself off, stop allowing your thoughts to hold you back so much and release the need to overwork in words or intellect to express who you are.
Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)—S L O W D O W N
Your Oracle: Focus, a Sagittarius card alongside Continuance, a Capricorn card. I sense some kind of impending doom, like the other shoe is going to drop. Something from the past is still haunting you as you move forward, like you are on guard to ensure this doesn’t come back around. The Hand with an eye in the center of the palm on the focus card signifies that the teacher lies within you, the lesson, the future, the ability for you to make do with what is and to keep building upon it, all lies within your hands, your creativity and your wisdom. So why the hold up? (it’s a mirage)
Your Tarot: The Hermit and the 4 of cups and your solution, The Lovers. There is action being taken out of fear; that’s your first mistake. You are moving too quickly and too ferociously through a season of integration. Your movement requires stealth, not suspicion. Your success comes from new perception, not excessive inspection. Shift the narrative and get creative, but S L O W D O W N. You’ve got everything you need in your lap. You may need to shift any expectations that are based off of past successes, however. This is probably where you’re getting caught on pride or fear. Zoom out and remember EVERYONE is shifting right now. Integration. Regardless, just because you are continuing a process of manifestation while learning a new aspect to enhance that manifestation, doesn’t mean you’re behind or that you need to continue holding the fears of your past. And stop comparing. Breathe.
Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)—take a DEEP breathe…
Your Oracle: Grounding, a virgo card and Duality, a card with no element, but the image of B A N A N A S (which many of you know, is a symbol of distraction for me; distraction yet sustenance, like our monkey minds feeding on something that sustains us, but doesn’t necessarily elevate us—it also makes me think of that TikTok sound where the kid chimes in BANANAS or Gwen Stefani, this shit is Bananas; either way, relevant). The duality card was clarified and challenged by Happiness, a gemini card. I feel a block forming in the crown. Your perspective has become a bit jaded by a major disappointment. The song I’m playing right now says “We won’t be dry soon, here come the tides; you move when I do, you’ll never be mine” (Tides by Bonobo)—there is something a bit devastating and even ominous about this song, yet freeing and rejuvenating; paradox, Gemini. The fulfillment you need is on the way, but maybe not what you want, at least not in this moment.
Your Tarot: 7 of swords, the 6 of cups and a hidden 4 of wands—your solution, The Fool. Someone or some group (past tense) is being proven wrong about you. You are in the process of shifting out of your desire to be understood by the wrong people. Essentially, an external misunderstanding about you, has you deceiving yourself, trapped in the narrative of another. There is some cord from the past that is pulling on some desire you have—love, money, validation, fulfillment, success. This makes me think of how limerence often becomes a means of falling back in love with ourselves. This energetic “reunion” is essentially being used for that reason, but the memories attached to it may have you chasing a desire or fighting an old script. This is your sign to let go; it was not aligned. But I get the sense that this collective is clinging or obsessing; grappling with a dead horse. Grief—it’s grief. Let go of the banana, your inner child is desiring your love. You are the banana; you are the sustenance. You need you right now. Fall back in love with yourself and the rest will fall into place.